Hi all, I've had a few queries about the order process for the St Dominics Photos. The process is clearly written on the order sheets which are the main office of the college, if you are unable to get to the college to pick up an order form, please do not hesitate to contact me on
nataliejhowe@aapt.net.au and I will email you the order form.
The order form also has all the prices on it for a few select sizes, these prices have been heavily reduced in comparision to my normal portrait prices.
If you are paying by CASH or CHEQUE, your order form needs to be filled out and dropped off to the school office with PAYMENT before 27 NOVEMBER 2009.
If you are paying via DIRECT DEBIT, your order form can be scanned and emailed back to me (with the direct debit transfer number written at the bottom where indicated).
The password to view the photos is stdominics
I hope this helps with any confusion and I hope you are all enjoying the photos!
Once I work out how many orders I have, I will then decide on what is the best way of distributing them.